I was recently browsing the O'Reilly web site and noticed a link to a Global Developer Survey. Around the third page was a question asking " Which languages are you currently using to develop applications?". Answers included Java, C#, ASP.net, php, and many others. Unfortunately, ColdFusion wasn't listed among them. I see this sort of thing all the time, so I wasn't really too surprised. What got my goat, though, was the fact that the survey engine WAS A COLDFUSION APPLICATION!
This is more a rant than anything else, but it's a real shame that ColdFusion doesn't seem to get much respect outside the "ColdFusion community". Despite the number of sites (and high profile ones at that) that use it, and despite the great reviews ColdFusion gets in leading publications such as eWeek, I can't help shake the feeling that ColdFusion gets treated like the proverbial red headed stepchild. What are your thought?
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