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  ::   March 5, 2004

Steve Rittler Blogging
I'm happy to see that Steve Rittler, long time Philly CFUG manager, has entered the world of blogging with his State of Independence blog. Steves a really great guy, and an excellent developer. Although his blog isn't specific to MAcromedia technologies (it's built in ASP.Net), Steve has a lot of insite to offer on both ColdFusion and Flash development. Look for a lot of good information from Steve in the near future.

  ::   August 7, 2003

Short CNet Piece on the Upcoming Flash 7 Player
CNet's has a short piece on the upcoming Flash 7 player. Of particular interest is this quote:

"The new version of the Flash Player, available for download from Macromedia, concentrates on performance improvements that allow the software to process some types of Flash content as much as 10 times faster, said Lucian Beebe, Macromedia's product manager for Flash."

I've been using the beta for a week or so now, and I've noticed that it does seem to run Flash Remoting apps a bit quicker, although I don't have any real comparison numbers.

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Recommended Reading
ColdFusion MX Developer's Cookbook

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