Using the JTOpen JDBC Driver with Multiple CFMX 6.1 Instances
I recently setup a new development box running multiple instances of ColdFusion MX 6.1. I posted a question to the CFGURU mailing list asking about the best place to put my 3rd party JDBC driver. Sean Corfield and Simon Horwith both chimed in that they recommended placing it in:
In my previous non J2EE installations of ColdFusion, I always placed my driver in c:\jt400\jtopen\bin. Whenever I setup a new server, I also had to add this location to the JAva CLASSPATH in the ColdFusion Administrator. What's my point? Well, using Sean/Simon's location, I no longer have to add the CLASSPATH to my ColdFusion server as the location is already known to the JRun/ColdFusion server. Very convenient!
Also for you iSeries fans out there, a new article by Jeremy Lyon is in this month's ColdFusion Developer Journal. The article, "MX to iSeries Demystified - A world-class database platform paired up with a world-class Web application server" gives some decent information on using CFMX to query data from DB2 on that platform.
Raymond Camden's Blog
Christian Cantrell's Blog
Sean Corfield's Blog
Nathan Dintenfass' Blog
Todd Rafferty's Blog
Steve Rittler's Blog
Cameron Childress's Blog