:: queryTool |
Author: Joe Rinehart
Date Released: 08/24/2004
Last Updated: 08/24/2004
A quick utility CFC to transform queries into arrays of structs, structs of structs, XML, or delimited formats.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: checkEquality |
Author: Qasim Rasheed
Date Released: 08/11/2004
Last Updated: 08/11/2004
checkEquality CFC can be used as a unit testing utility where you can check for the equality of two passed arguments. This CFC accepts two required arguments which could be an Array, CFC, Structure, Query, simple value or nested values i.e. Array of Structure etc. and an optional argument as message. The isEqual() method is the only public method along with init() which is a constructor. An optional argument 'message' passed to isEqual method will return the message as the key of the returned structure if the two values do not match.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: regressionCFC |
Author: Kyle McNamara, Sierra Bufe, Joe Simes
Date Released: 04/27/2004
Last Updated: 04/27/2004
Pass in a set of X,Y pairs (as a set of x values and a corresponding set of y values) and receive back a structure with a series of values that you can use to plot a trendline derived from the passed in pair values. This CFC will accept decimals. The structure value you will utilize for a normal trendline is: y_list_1. The other values are available for other uses, for example "cod" (coefficient of determination) provides important information on the strength of the correlation ranging from certainty to chaos (ranging 1 to 0).
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: makeAShorterLink |
Author: Critter Gewlas
Date Released: 03/01/2004
Last Updated: 03/01/2004
Takes a large url, passes it to www.makeashorterlink.com and returns a shortened one.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: tinyURL |
Author: Critter Gewlas
Date Released: 03/01/2004
Last Updated: 03/01/2004
Takes a large url, passes it to www.tinyurl.com and returns a shortened one.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: scriptEncode |
Author: Javascribe
Date Released: 02/27/2004
Last Updated: 02/27/2004
The scriptEncode cfc allows ColdFusion developers to 'encode' dynamically generated JavaScript for extra protection of the source code.
It is fully compatible with the Microsoft Script Encoder (screnc.exe), however it also includes a compression module.
For further details on the latest version or for access to the 'decode' method then please contact javascribe{at}hotmail{dot}com (subject line must be exactly "! scriptEncode component").
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: CF Admin Mappings |
Author: John Beynon
Date Released: 02/19/2004
Last Updated: 02/19/2004
Allow creat/update/delete of ColdFusion mappings programmatically using the factory service object.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: Transliterator |
Author: Paul Hastings
Date Released: 02/10/2004
Last Updated: 02/10/2004
This cfc contains methods to transliterate text from one format to another. IT DOES NOT TRANSLATE TEXT. For example, a Russian to Latin transliterator changes Russian text written in Cyrillic characters to phonetically equivalent Latin characters. IT DOES NOT TRANSLATE TEXT. Particularly useful transliterations are Any-Hex and Hex-Any which transliterates to/from escaped ANSI unicode (\u3044) to unicode script similar to what happens when using java resourceBundles. It requires that the ICU4J lib be installed. you can download ICU4J lib from:
Extract the .JAR file and place it in cfusionMX/wwwroot.web-inf/lib
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: i18nCurrency |
Author: Paul Hastings
Date Released: 02/10/2004
Last Updated: 02/10/2004
This cfc contains methods to determine currency symbols and fractions per locale. It is useful for isolating the locale currency info (symbol, code, etc.) for currency conversion applications, etc.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: i18nSort |
Author: Paul Hastings, Hiroshi Okugawa
Date Released: 02/08/2004
Last Updated: 02/09/2004
This cfc contains methods to handle sorting string arrays using locale based collation. You should use this CFC if your application requires "non-lexigraphical" sorting (the standard CF listSort and arraySort use lexigraphical sorting and basically compare string lengths and unicode code points, which will return incorrect sorting in some instances, for example german umluats Ä,Ë,Ü will sort to the end of any list/array, contrary to what users in DE locale expect).
There are two flavors of methods in this CFC, "java" and "icu4j". the "java" sort method uses the standard "java.text.Collator" class and is probably adequate for most uses. It's also most portable (ie if you have MX installed you can make use of this method without additional software). The "icu4j" method is based on IBM's ICU4J java lib which will provide much heftier sorting, it has almost double the number of collate locales available (134 vs 246 for icu4j including phonebook collations). It requires that the ICU4J lib be installed. You can download ICU4J lib from:
Extract the .JAR file and place it in cfusionMX/wwwroot.web-inf/lib
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: javaRBCFC |
Author: Paul Hastings
Date Released: 01/08/2004
Last Updated: 01/08/2004
The purpose of this CFC is to extract text resources from a pure java resource bundle. These resource bundles should be produced by a tools such as IBM's rbManager and consist of:
key=ANSI escaped string such as
(english, no need for ANSI escaped chars)
(thai, ANSI escaped chars)
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: tmt_java_regexp |
Author: Massimo Foti
Date Released: 01/08/2004
Last Updated: 01/08/2004
A collection of UDFs that act as wrappers around native Java regular rxpressions from the java.util.regex package.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: tmt_java_string |
Author: Massimo Foti
Date Released: 01/08/2004
Last Updated: 01/08/2004
A collection of UDFs that act as wrappers around native Java string functions. Requires ColdFusion MX 6.1+ or JRE 1.4+.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: debugIP |
Author: Ben Forta
Date Released: 12/05/2003
Last Updated: 12/05/2003
List, add, and delete ColdFusion MX debugging IP addresses (without needing CF Admin access).
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: CFC Explorer with Usage |
Author: Marcantonio da Silva
Date Released: 10/03/2003
Last Updated: 10/03/2003
This is a replacement for the CFC Explorer (_component_cfcToHTML.cfm) that comes as part of the ColdFusion MX server. This version adds usage examples for invoking the CFC in various ways such as cfobject, cfinvoke, and createObject(), each using variations in the syntax.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: timeZone |
Author: Paul Hastings
Date Released: 9/17/2003
Last Updated: 1/24/2004
This cfc contains methods to handle some timezone functionality not in cfmx as well as when you need to "cast" to a specific timezone (cf's timezone functions are tied to server). It requires the use of createObject. the CFC uses a gregorian calendar for dates. other calendars require use of IBM's icu4j java lib. That CFC is coming soon.
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: dumpCFC |
Author: Brad Howerter
Date Released: 9/17/2003
Last Updated: 9/17/2003
Dump.cfc is a lighter version of cfdump. It is lighter because it doesn't output the html to let you collapse and expand sections of the output. It's just text. cfdump tends to crash your browser when you try to dump a large structure.
In addition to being lighter, the new dump has these features that cfdump doesn't have:
- It won't go into a continuous loop when you have a recursive reference to an object or structure. Due to a cfmx bug in the hashcode() function, this currently doesn't work for structures.
- It doesn't display duplicate structures or objects or arrays, it just refers you to what was already printed. Due to that same cfmx bug, this currently doesn't work for structures, but it does work for arrays and objects.
- If you want, you can dump your data to a file, taking the browser out of the picture completely. You can then use your favorite text editor to do text searches or whatever.
- Instead of dumping a CFC's method definitions, it dumps the results of the getAll() and dump() methods on each object it finds. That way you can actually see the properties of the object, instead of just seeing the method definitions over and over again. If you want an object to dump something in particular, create one or both of these methods in it.
- It prints { and } for the beginning and ending of blocks (structures, arrays, and objects), so if you have a good editor, you can easily find the match for a block. Homesite+ and vi clones can do it, I don't know about Dreamweaver MX.
You can download a zip of the cfc here.
:: geoLocator |
Author: Paul Hastings
Date Released: 8/21/2003
Last Updated: 8/21/2003
This cfc trys to determine locale & country from user IP (cgi.REMOTE_ADDR) & browser language (cgi.HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE). It requires createObject functionality and nigel wetters' InetAddressLocator java class (jar) be loaded. That jar is available from SourceForge. Drop nigel-at-wetters.net a line if you find this java class useful or if you have issues with the GNU license his class is released under. For performance reasons, the required java objects are loaded into a shared scope (application).
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: i18nCFC |
Author: Paul Hastings
Date Released: 8/21/2003
Last Updated: 8/21/2003
This CFC contains common I18N datetime & numeric formatting functions. All valid java locales are supported. It requires the use of cfobject & application scope (to store java objects).
You can download a zip of the application here.
:: uBlocks |
Author: Paul Hastings
Date Released: 8/21/2003
Last Updated: 8/21/2003
The purpose of this CFC is to try to determine unicode block (or subrange) from a sample of text. The text sample is stripped of general punctuation, numerics, etc. before being tested. spaces, commas, etc. are common to too many languages to be useful subrange indicators. Note that range specific punctuation, such as arabic ?, are retained.
You can download a zip of the cfc here.
:: AdBanner |
The U Saw It First Banner Rotator by Michael Givens is a complete CFC based banner ad rotator written for ColdFusion MX. It uses an MVC approach and comes fully documented. Both MS Access and MySQL databases are provided (can easily be ported for SQL Server).
You can download a zip of the application here.