Viewing By Day : November 2, 2004 / Main
November 2, 2004
CFC Birds of a Feather
It's about 9:45pm here in New Orleans, and we're smack dab in the middle of Ray Camden's CFC Birds of a Feather. All in all, about 30 people turned up for the informal discussion on all things CFC. Some good discussion going on here from how and why to get started with CFCs to much more advanced topics.

General themes among those who are just starting are generally among the "why should I use them", "what are the benefits", etc.

We were going to Breeze Live the preso, but we didn't get to Ed in time to get the account all set up. So, we broadcast audio only via a Flashcom app that Steve Rittler wrote. Unfortunately, we only had one person on the other line, but it was an interesting hack nonetheless.

Paul Kenny and I had an interesting side discussion on CFCUnit. If you aren't using CFCUnit for unit testing your CFCs, you should be. Check it out!

We're also tlaking about code gen tools for CFCs and who's working on what. Seems people would like to see some tools for this. I mentioned we (we=Adam Crump) has a CFC Bean generator for Dreamweaver, and he's looking to port it for Eclipse. Also looking to extend it to generate tests for CFCUnit. People also want UML to CFC to UML generators. Some good dialogue here.

CNN, Get a Clue!
I commented earlier today on why Fox News sucks so much. Well now I get to slam CNN as well. After the 2000 election fiasco, we don't want projections reported as final results, which CNN did before putting up a breaking news alert to say that the results they were showing were only projections. Blah to you CNN!

Spread The Word - MAX Karaoke
So, tomorrow night (Wed), after the MAX special event, a growing group of us are planning a full on take-over of the Cat's Meow over at 701 Bourbon Street on the corner of St. Peter Street (across from Pat O'Briens).

If you haven't been there yet, Cat's Meow is a karaoke bar. Even if you think you don't like karaoke, this place is a blast. We're planning to head over after the special event. Spread the word and hope to see you there!

Even More Reason Why Fox News Sucks
Ha - I was just on the Fox News web site, and on their interactive map, they had already called 3 states for Bush, even though the results weren't in for those states yet. Checking back 10 minutes later, they had cleared the data from the map. Go Fox News!

Building for Scalability
I'm about to present Building for Scalability, the presentation I'm giving three times at MAX. If you aren't already signed up to attend, feel free to drop in as it's a general session, and shouldn't be "sold out".

This session is more a discussion of how we as architects and developers need to plan for scalability in our applications. As the session description says, "Throwing hardware at an application does not make it scalable. Indeed, scalability must be part of every aspect of application design and development. In this session you will learn exactly how applications must be built from the ground up for scalability."

My session discusses designing for scalability, and presents strategies as well as techniques that apply to web application development in general, and ColdFusion application development specifically. The discussion focuses more on planning and testing than it does on actual coding. If you have a chance to stop by, I'd love to discuss how to scalability in the context of your ColdFusion applications!

New ColdFusion Administrator Design for Blackstone
Not sure if anyone noticed or not during the keynote, but ColdFusion "Blackstone" was sporting a totally redesigned Administrator. They didn't show much, just the main page and one of the gateway screens, but it look's much more modern and clean than the previous administrator, which was starting to show its age a bit ;-)

Malestrom (Next Generation Flash Player)
Mike Downey, Flash Technical Product Manager is giving a sneak peek of the next generation Flash player.

  • Dramatic performance improvements
  • Bitmap caching of vector graphics (cacheAsBitmap)
  • cacheAsBitmap works with components to improve performance (like big accordian panes)
  • New graphical capabilities. Pixel level control via graphic effects - Bevel, Drop Shadow, Blur (in and out), Convolution, Glow, Color Matrix, etc. All controllable at runtime. Can be applied to any movie clip.
  • New text rendering engine (Saffron). Precise control over anti-aliasing.
  • New Flash Video codec. Among the best in the industry. Still support old codec as well. Demo images are pretty impressive contrasting old and new. New capabilities made possible including video alpha channel at runtime (very, very impressive). Makes it possible to see through items in video as well.

Blackstone Features at Keynote
Ben Forta and Tim Buntel are up on stage demoing various features in Blackstone. Here's a stream of consciousness of what we're seeing:

  1. Flash forms with built in validation, new controls such as a tabbed control. All done using CFML.
  2. cfdocument tag for preserving printing and formatting of pages. Can output in FlashPaper, PDF, and HTML
  3. Report designer showing how to design reports for new cfreport tag. Very similar to other report designers you might be used to ala Crystal, Access, Actuate, etc. The big difference is that it has lots of CF specific functionality built in such as binding with cfquery data. Can output in FlashPaper, PDF, and HTML.
  4. Event Gateways. Allow CF to work beyond the web. You interface with gateways using CFCs. CF ships with several included gateways including SMS (comes with a cell phone aggregator for testing). You could also use gateways to interface with IM, JMS, etc. There's a demo gateway to allow you to SMS Blackstone to get updates before your next session, get your schedule, and more.

Flex/Blackstone App Predicts Election Results
Kerry wins the 2004 MAX election 54 to 42 percent. The point of this post isn't political. What's interesting is that the "election" took place real-time during the keynote via SMS messaging. Participants were told to text their vote to a number given on the screen. A RIA built using Flex on the front end and Blackstone on the backend tallied the results real-time and reported them graphically on the screen. It was pretty cool to watch the graphs update in real-time as the votes came in.

More interesting was a demo given a little later where they were able to show the breakout, by state, of how people voted. This was based on an area code lookup of the captured phone numbers from the SMS voting.

The actual SMS work was handled by a new feature in Blackstone called the SMS Gateway. More on gateways later.

More Companies Using Flash
Not big news, but it lends more credibility to the value of Flash for Rich Internet Apps. IBM, Microsoft, CNet,, and are all using Flash in various ways on their websites.

AS2Unit - Unit Testing for Rich Internet Applications
Although not entirely new, the team over at iteration::two has released a unit testing framework for ActionScript 2.0 called AS2Unit. The framework is available for free, and the project is currently looking for additional support from the community to help grow the project.

Update: Lance Linder points out that a 2nd unit testing framework (and more) is also available, as2lib.

Interesting Attendance Statistics
No official attendance count yet, but here are some interesting stats of the attendee makeup:

Education & Government = 35%
Big corporations =54%
ColdFusion users = 60%
Dreamweaver users = 90%

Live From The MAX Keynote
If the wireless connection here holds, I'll be blogging updates live from the MAX 2004 Keynote. Stay tuned...