Viewing By Day : October 25, 2004 / Main
October 25, 2004
Blog Updated to 3.5.3
I finally got around to updating the code behind my blog to the latest version of Ray Camden's BlogCFC. The process wen't pretty well considering I went from 2.1 to 3.5.3. There was some manual DB conversion involved, but it all worked out in the end.
"index.cfm?mode=alias&alias=#url.entry#" addtoken="no">
It checks to see if the incoming link uses the old integer ID and if so, redirects the user to the Alias url. Note that isCFUUID() is a UDF available from our sister site Just place it in your udf.cfm file.
The only minor issue I'm still facing is how to deal with old links to blog entries. In the 2.1 days, each blog entry had a numeric (int) ID. In 3.x, the system was changed to use UUIDs as entry identifiers. So, sites and aggregators with links to my old entries are currently broken until I can do some mapping from the old entries to the new entries.
Now, if I could just update the look and feel of this site...
Update: Well, looks like mapping the old entry IDs was pretty simple. All I needed to do was put their old IDs in the new ALIAS column, then write a few simple lines of code in my Application.cfm file:
It checks to see if the incoming link uses the old integer ID and if so, redirects the user to the Alias url. Note that isCFUUID() is a UDF available from our sister site Just place it in your udf.cfm file.