Last night, a group of about 20 developers met over at the Marriott to have an informal discussion about CFCs. Ray Camden and his company Mindseye sponsored the room.
There was a lot of great discussion regarding how people are using CFCs right now, as well as the challenges they face and the enhancements they would like to see in the next version of CF. Among the key themes:
CFCs could use a true constructor
People would like to see interfaces
The ability to serialize/deserialize CFC is a key requirement
Copying of CFCs needs to be fixed
The general agreement in the room was that CFCs are the best thing to happen to CF in MX, and that Macromedia should continue to evolve them to meet the needs of developers.
As Ray stated in his blog, we really could use more of this type of session at the next MAX conference. Time to meet with developers in a formal space, but an informal discussion format (with Macromedia in attendance) would be a great addition.
Raymond Camden's Blog
Christian Cantrell's Blog
Sean Corfield's Blog
Nathan Dintenfass' Blog
Todd Rafferty's Blog
Steve Rittler's Blog
Cameron Childress's Blog